• 2025 TAISHIN WOMEN RUN 開放報名中
  • 臺北市第22屆舒跑杯路跑賽開放報名中

會員須知Member Notices

有關您的隱私權 / Regarding your right to privacy


CTRRA values your online privacy. To give you a better understanding of your rights when visiting this site, and how we collect and process your personal information as well as the options available to you to further protect your personal privacy, we have provided the following explanation to tell disclose our practices regarding the above mentioned items.

中華民國路跑協對於您登錄個人資料時的保障 / CTRRA guarantees the safety of your personal information when logged in

請仔細閱讀以下各項說明,若您不同意我們的做法,請暫時不要參與我們網站上的活動。當然您也可以告訴我們您的想法,若有任何意見或疑問,請來電 (02)25855659 ,或 E-mailservice@sportsnet.org.tw

Please read carefully the below listed items, if you have any objections, please temporarily refrain from participating in the activities listed on our website. You are welcome to tell us what you think, if you have any comments or concerns please call us at (02)25855659, or email us at service@sportsnet.org.tw

本網站採用全世界最先進的SSL 128bit 傳輸加密機制
This site uses the world's most advanced SSL 128bit
data transfer encryption mechanisms.
上班時間 週一~週五 / 上午 8:30 ~ 12:00 / 下午 1:30 ~ 5:30 / 週六、週日不上班
Monday-Friday / 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM / 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM Closed on weekends
TEL:02-25855659 / FAX:02-25996716 / ADD:臺北市大同區昌吉街55號2樓206室